Database Navigation

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Database Navigation

Moving through Cube-IQ's database


Cube-IQ utilizes a powerful, built-in database engine to store Container, Product, Customer and Load information. To help you maintain this data, the program provides a simple interface in the form of the 'Navigation Buttons'.


For detail data (such as the 'Configurations' of a given 'Product') you will find database buttons working specifically on that detail data.


On each of the main data tabs, the Navigation Buttons look like this:


database buttons


Button Icon

Button Action


first button

move to the first record or data item

prior button

move to the previous record

next button

move to the next record

last button

move to the last record

add button

begin creating a new record

delete button

delete the current record

save changes

save changes to the current record.


discard changes

discard any changes to the current (existing or new) record

copy button

creates a copy of the current record displayed

grid overview button

displays the database records in a data grid format (available on the Product database records)




Some of the buttons may be disabled, depending on the situation. If, for example, you are already on the first data item, the first two database buttons are disabled as you are unable go back any further in the database table.



As a general rule you do not have to use the Save button to store data changes in the database. This happens automatically when you leave the window, or close Cube-IQ. The effect of a change to a data field may only show when you leave the field, or the row in the grid (which is when it gets stored in the database).

See also: Shortcut Keys