Introduction to Cube-IQ 5.1

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Introduction to Cube-IQ 5.1

Cube-IQ - Load Planning software


Cube-IQ is an advanced Load Planning program, capable of achieving the best possible loads/packing for your ocean containers, trucks, rail cars, ULDs, pallets, crates, totes and boxes. In tests on Containers, it has equaled or bettered all other automated systems currently available. Cube-IQ is also fast, requiring optimization times of no more than ten to twenty seconds per Container on a modern PC.
The program offers several advanced options such as allowing multiple Configurations of Products, Zones in Containers, true positioning of the center of gravity, automatic handling of axle weight limits, loading of rolls and optimization over multiple containers in multiple sizes (which includes selection of containers). It is unique in its option to handle irregularly shaped containers such as airline containers (ULD's) and refrigerated units.

Cube-IQ not only loads boxes, but also rolls and 3D L-shapes (sofas).

Cube-IQ can optimize over multiple containers and container types. Taking the example of cartonization, the system not only packs cartons, but it also selects the best set of carton(s) from a list of those available.  One of several selection rules for a multi-Container (or multi-box) Load is 'minimal overall cost' to ensure that the cheapest combination is chosen.


There are no limits on the number of Containers that can be processed at one time, nor on the number of Loads or Products the system can handle.

The software is fully compatible with Windows Server 2003/2008/2012 and Desktop XP/Vista/7/8. Networked and Citrix/Terminal Server installations are available.

To get started with Cube-IQ, please read the following brief topics first:


Getting Started


Database Navigation


Main Window


System requirements