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Product Details - Configurations


Select the main Products tab, or use the F5 function key.


Click on the Configurations tab if it is visible. If not, click the Orientations tab, and then the 'Set up Configurations' button:


configs button


A 'configuration' is one way of loading a Product, for example a 'unit', a 'carton' of 12 units, or a 'pallet' of 220 units. You can define your own configurations, give each of them a name, number of units, dimensions, and loading rules.


product configs

In the picture, a pallet has been set up as configuration. It loads 5x4x7 = 140 units on a 48"x40" pallet. Note that the weight of the pallet has been set 10 lbs higher that that of its units to account for the tare, and that the pallet is also 4" higher than its seven layers of units to account for the skid height. All values are user-editable.  


Each configuration can be given a Priority. Lower priority values are used in preference to higher values where possible. This can help you to control which configurations are used.


The Add Config button will open the Data Entry window, which can be a quick and easy way to help set up initial values for new configurations. After clicking Create, the configuration data can then be adjusted if needed.


Data Entry


The Use Orientations button lets you go back to using Orientations instead of Configurations.