What's New in Cube-IQ 5.1

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What's New in Cube-IQ 5.1

Cube-IQ5.1 offers a significant number of new and improved features:


A completely updated user interface introduces a smooth "Metro" look & feel to the program.


Enhanced Database performance allows for faster startup and usage. Users will benefit specifically when accessing data over a network.


Images can be added for Products to help identify them more easily in the Products screen.


Folders can now be created in the Data Tree to help you organize your Loads into logical groups.


It is now possible to set up Products where the box-shape is not just 'full', but can also be 'tapered' (smaller top than footprint), or 'open', with different options for which edges are present.


And, most important of all, the Optimization Engine of Cube-IQ has been improved even further. We already beat all our competitors when it comes to how much gets loaded, and not by some low percentage, but by sometimes 5% or more. With Cube-IQ5.1 you will get better loads than ever before.