Loads Page

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Loads Page

The Loads page allows you to view and mani


FILE Loads Page


New Load creates a new empty Load in the database, and moves you to the Load Setup page ready to add Containers and Products.


Copy Load makes a new copy of an existing Load and allows you to give it a new name. This can be very useful when working with multiple Loads that share the same or similar lists of Containers and/or Products.


Load Details switches the screen to an in-depth view of the current Load. The Load Details screen shows detailed information on the loaded Containers and their contents.


Collate Loads combines two Loads into a new Load, which you can then name.


Delete one or many Loads allows you to clean up the Cube-IQ database by selecting multiple Loads at one time for deletion. Please note that a deleted Load cannot be recovered.


The Recent Loads list shows the six most recent loads that you have worked with. Click on a Load Id to quickly jump to its Load Setup page.